If you have a 500-word essay-story, a short poem or video, or artwork related to LGBTQ+ history / LGBTQ+ History Month, please contact us and submit it to us for consideration. We’d love to see it!
If you have a 500-word essay-story, a short poem or video, or artwork related to LGBTQ+ history / LGBTQ+ History Month, please contact us and submit it to us for consideration. We’d love to see it!
In this December 2024 piece, ICoHM member Chiara Beccalossi, co-founder of LGBT+ History Month Italia, writes about the first public demonstration for gay and lesbian rights in Italy, in Sanremo in April 1972; and about how this April 1972 demonstration inspired the selection of April as LGBT+ History Month Italia when it was founded in…
On October 3, 2024, at the Missouri History Museum in St. Louis (Missouri, USA), a large crowd gathered to walk the historic Gateway to Pride exhibit and to mark the 30th anniversary of the first (then-called) Lesbian and Gay History Month in the United States. Rodney Wilson, founder of LGBTQ+ History Month USA, gave opening…
In this 2023 essay, LGBTQ+ History Month USA founder and ICoHM co-founder Rodney Wilson reflects back on the four-year-old he was at the time of the Stonewall Riot and explores the synergistic interplay between Pride months and History Months: “Pride Month and History Month stand together as resolute assertions that every human being has a…