Welcome to the Website of the International Committee on LGBTQ+ History Months

Our mission is to share knowledge; to support existing LGBTQ+ History Month projects; and to encourage new LGBTQ+ History Months around the world.

about us

The idea for an International Committee on LGBTQ+ History Months evolved in early November 2021 out of conversations between the team preparing to launch the first-ever LGBT+ History Month Italia and the founder of LGBTQ+ History Month USA. 

During November and December 2021, representatives of sixteen locations with established or future LGBT+ History Months were recruited to join the committee: ASEAN SOGIE Caucus (ASC), Australia, Berlin, Canada, Cuba, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, N. Ireland, Norway, Scotland, UK, Wales, and USA. 

The committee’s inaugural meeting was held via Zoom on January 14, 2022. 

The committee meets quarterly – in January, April, July, and October. Meeting chairship passes through the history month locations by order of inaugural event. All representatives who joined prior to the inaugural meeting are co-founders of the committee. Representatives joining after the inaugural meeting are members. 

This International Committee on LGBTQ+ History Months includes academics, teachers, professors, writers, historians, and community activists who believe that history matters, that access to one’s history is a human right, and that LGBT history education is good for all students. 

As of January 2025, the International Committee consists of thirty-seven (37) representatives (see Members list) from twenty-five (25) locations around the world

Official Purpose Statement

The mission of the International Committee on LGBTQ+ History Months is to share knowledge; to support existing LGBTQ+ History Month projects; and to encourage new LGBTQ+ History Months around the world.

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